Christine Hogan- Interactive storytelling- Making myths meaningful and memorable

ChristineHoganWorkshop Title: Interactive storytelling: Making myths meaningful and memorable

Workshop Description: 

In this workshop, participants will be involved interactively with some traditional myths from many different cultures. We will discuss how these may be used and/or adapted to a variety of different contexts and cultural settings. We will engage actively in storytelling and also in:

  • creating a variety of “endings”
  • identifying various ways of using and debriefing myths.

If people got the best of the session what would they leave with?

  • Interactive story telling techniques
  • Myths from Thailand, Bhutan and Brazil
  • De-briefing strategies.

How is this session connected to the conference theme?

In this workshop we will explore how facilitators may use myths to explore transitions and changes which require us to understand differences in attitudes, values and behaviours.

About the Workshop Presenter:

Christine Hogan works in diverse fields from cultural and career transitions and change to climate change adaptation and disaster preparedness. She is the author of six books on facilitation including “Facilitating cultural transitions and change”. Her facilitation work has taken her to Laos, Kiribati, Thailand, Malaysia, The Philippines, Mongolia, Nepal, Senegal, Abu Dhabi, Bhutan and Hong Kong.

This year she has been working in Bhutan on an Institutional Strengthening for Skills Development and Career Guidance Project for the Asian Development Bank.

| November 7th, 2016 | Posted in Uncategorized |

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